

The Village of Bear Creek is located in the Bear Creek Oaks Subdivision (687 acres) in Hays County, Texas. The subdivision was developed in the late 1970′s by Robert Ingrum and E. D. Bohls and was originally part of the Koening Family Ranch. The subdivision was planned with 5 and 6-acre tracts, some of which have been subdivided. Several property owners own more than one tract so there exists today a 22 acre tract, an 18 acre tract and several 10 acre tracts.



On November 4, 1997 the residents of the Bear Creek Oaks Subdivision voted 2 to 1 to incorporate as a Village. There were several reasons for this:

1. Local control of the area will be maintained by the local residents, not by Hays County, the City of Austin, or any other local government. The residents felt it was necessary to take control of their own destiny to maintain the rural character of the area and have a say in how it is developed.

2. Avoid annexation into the City of Austin and all the regulation and taxes that would occur if annexed. The Village of Bear creek was created by the residents in November 1997, when the City of Austin City limits were 4 1/2 miles away. In December 1997, the City of Austin annexed property across RR1826 and now their city limits are only 80 feet from the Village of Bear Creek. Annual City of Austin 2020 taxes are $0.5535 /$100 of valuation, which is approximately $1,100.00/year on a $200,000.00 valuation. The 2020 tax rate for the Village of Bear Creek is $0.08940/$100 of valuation, roughly $185.00/year. The Village cannot impose a tax rate greater than .25/$100 valuation per the Local Government Code.

3. Obtain funds to put in water lines so that all lots have surface water available to them. This would allow the property owners another water supply option besides a well. This would also allow fire hydrants to be available, which could dramatically decrease cost to property owners with their homeowners insurance companies.

The Village of Bear Creek has three elected officials, a mayor and two commissioners. View our Homepage for council member names and contact information.